Addendum: Submitting To A Late Night Show

NOTE: I have updated my thoughts on this at the bottom, as of 5/27/2020! I was surprised and really humbled to find that so many people appreciated and enjoyed my post about submitting to late night shows. Yay!!! I am writing this addendum because a lot of people have asked the same follow up question, […]
Things To Consider When Submitting To Write For A Late Night Show!

NOTE as of 5/27/20: This was written a long time ago. I have added an update at the bottom! This past fall, I had the amazing privilege of hiring a writing staff for my upcoming TV show, Nikki & Sara Live. I was flattered and honored when hundreds of people applied. It was a super […]
Tiny Pieces of Chocolate for Women

Here is a video of me doing a standup comedy joke. I don’t have a lot of video of me doing standup on-line. Partly because I am incredibly insecure about my standup and partly because I was hoping to save some of this stuff for TV. But I’m done fretting about all that. Mostly, I […]
Soon I Will Be Hosting a Television Program

Last week, my podcast co-host Nikki Glaser and I were finally able to announce something we’d known for a few weeks: that MTV has picked up our pilot and later this year, we’ll begin working on a late night comedy show together, as hosts, writers, executive producers, and most importantly, besties. I. Cannot. Contain. Myself. […]
The Iddy Biddy Teeny Tiny Stand Up Tour

For the past ten years, I’ve been working at jobs that have kept me anchored behind a desk in New York City. Along the way, I’ve banked a lot of stage time in the city working on my comedy. Finally, I’ve got a window in my schedule to go out on the road and show […]
Road Journal: Tiny Mansions

Ever since seeing Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, I have wanted to visit the Chicago Art Institute, mainly to get lost in the eyes of a little girl in Seurat’s famous La Grande Jatte painting. But when I finally got the chance, I stumbled upon something much better. In the basement, there are 68 miniature rooms. […]
Adele’s Ex-Boyfriend

When Adele swept the Grammys for her smash hit album “21,” there’s one person she forgot to thank: the ex-boyfriend who inspired one of the greatest breakup albums of all time, Dan. And now, Dan has released his own album: “DAN 21”! This video was made possible by: Jon Murray (Dan), Nikki Glaser, Sara Schaefer, […]
The Taper

Here is a video I wrote, directed, and edited. It is a cop show about a cop whose only job is to put up police tape. I’m very pleased with the results, though as I learn each time I produce a video, working with a zero-dollar budget is quite the challenge. Nevertheless, with the help […]

I have a small cameo in this video by one of my comedy heroes, Ted Alexandro. It’s about the United States of America and if you don’t watch it, you’re most likely a terrorist. Happy 4th of July!
Save The Date: Live YHTBT

We’re having a very special live edition of my podcast, You Had To Be There, at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade Theatre on Wednesday, July 6, at 8 pm! It’s our 25th show celebration! Why 25? If you’ve been listening, you know that my co-host (Nikki Glaser) and I got a pretty mean review after just […]